A new version of Antares is available and offers many new features!
Antares goes further with this new version:
Adequacy patch: share the unsupplied energy according to the local matching rule.
Antares will have a more realistic behaviour when shortages occur on the network. This feature was contributed to by RTE international with support from RTE, Elia and APG
Add output variable "profit by cluster".
This variable represents the difference between proportional costs and marginal costs in the area. It provides a partial answer to the question "what is the economic profit associated to a thermal cluster?", excluding non-proportional (€/h) and startup costs (€/startup).
Allow +/- infinity in binding constraint RHS.
This allows the user to enable binding constraints only for some timesteps and save valuable computing time !
Add new Binding Constraint marginal price output variable
Marginal price makes it easier to understand how your binding constraints affect the overall cost of your system.