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Specific documentation for CWE “flow-based” issues

Alimou, Yacine, Nadia Maïzi, Jean-Yves Bourmaud, et Marion Li. « Assessing the Security of Electricity Supply through Multi-Scale Modeling: The TIMES-ANTARES Linking Approach ». Applied Energy 279 (décembre 2020): 115717.
MacIver, Callum, Waqquas Bukhsh, et Keith R. W. Bell. « The Impact of Interconnectors on the GB Electricity Sector and European Carbon Emissions ». Energy Policy 151 (1 avril 2021): 112170.
Lauvergne, Rémi, Yannick Perez, Mathilde Françon, et Alberto Tejeda De La Cruz. « Integration of Electric Vehicles into Transmission Grids: A Case Study on Generation Adequacy in Europe in 2040 ». Applied Energy 326 (15 novembre 2022): 120030.
Lynch, Arthur, Yannick Perez, Sophie Gabriel, et Gilles Mathonniere. « Nuclear Fleet Flexibility: Modeling and Impacts on Power Systems with Renewable Energy ». Applied Energy 314 (15 mai 2022): 118903.
MacIver, Callum, Waqquas Bukhsh, et Keith R. W. Bell. « The Impact of Interconnectors on the GB Electricity Sector and European Carbon Emissions ». Energy Policy 151 (1 avril 2021): 112170.
Houghton, T., K. R. W. Bell, et M. Doquet. « Offshore Transmission for Wind: Comparing the Economic Benefits of Different Offshore Network Configurations ». Renewable Energy 94 (1 août 2016): 268‑79.
Bakhshideh Zad, Bashir, Jean-François Toubeau, Kenneth Bruninx, Behzad Vatandoust, Zacharie De Grève, et François Vallée. « Supervised Learning-Assisted Modeling of Flow-Based Domains in European Resource Adequacy Assessments ». Applied Energy 325 (1 novembre 2022): 119875.
T. Anderski et al., "e-Highway2050: Planning the European transmission grid for 2050," 2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Leuven, Belgium, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2016.7513882.
W. Bukhsh, K. Bell, A. Vergnol, A. Weynants and J. Sprooten, "Enhanced, Risk-Based System Development Process: A Case Study from the Belgian Transmission Network," 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Dublin, Ireland, 2018, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442756.
Bukhsh, Waqquas, Callum MacIver, et Keith Bell. « Assessing the Value of Increasing GB Interconnection ». Electric Power Systems Research 190 (1 janvier 2021): 106691.
Houghton, T., K. R. W. Bell, et M. Doquet. « The Economic Case for Developing HVDC-Based Networks to Maximise Renewable Energy Utilisation across Europe : An Advanced Stochastic Approach to Determining the Costs and Benefits ». In CIGRE 2012. GBR, 2012.
M. Doquet, C. Fourment and J. -M. Roudergues, "Generation & transmission adequacy of large interconnected power systems: A contribution to the renewal of Monte-Carlo approaches," 2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, Trondheim, Norway, 2011, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PTC.2011.6019444.
A. T. Samuel, A. Aldamanhori, A. Ravikumar and G. Konstantinou, "Stochastic Modeling for Future Scenarios of the 2040 Australian National Electricity Market using ANTARES," 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES), Perth, Australia, 2020, pp. 761-766, doi: 10.1109/SGES51519.2020.00141.
Generation & Transmission Adequacy of Large Interconnected Power Systems: A contribution to the renewal of Monte-Carlo approaches.IEEE Powertech 2011, Trondheim (M Doquet, C. Fourment, JM. Roudergues)
A New tool for adequacy reporting of electric systems. CIGRE 2008, C1-305 (M. Doquet, R. Gonzalez, S. Lepy, E. Momot, F. Verrier)
Use of a stochastic process to sample wind power curves in planning studies IEEE Powertech 2007, Lausanne (M. Doquet)
Impact of CO2 reduction targets on transmission capacity expansion dictated by the Power Market Clearing : Application to the Italian and French Systems. CIGRE 2010, C5-302 (E.M. Carlini, P.P. Pericolo, F. Vedovelli, B. Cova, A. Venturini, S. Lepy, E. Momot)
The economic case for developing HVDC-based networks to maximize renewable energy utilization across Europe: an advanced stochastic approach to determining the costs and benefits. CIGRE 2012 , C1-117 (Bell K.R.W., Houghton T., Doquet M.)
Zonal Reduction of Large Power Systems: Assessment of an Optimal Grid Model Accounting for Loop Flows. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.30 Issue 1, 2015 (M. Doquet)
The Corridors of Power: A Pan-European Electricity Highway System for 2050. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 13 Issue 1, 2015 (Sanchis G., Betraoui, B., Anderski T., Peirano E., Pestana R., De Clercq B., Migliavacca G., Czernie M., Paun M.)