Software Presentation

A tool to shed light on the future of the power system

Antares-Simulator is an Open Source (MPL V2) standalone software. It is a sequential Monte-Carlo simulator designed for short to long term studies of large interconnected power grids. It simulates the economic behavior of the whole transmission-generation system, throughout the year and with a resolution of one hour.

Antares-Simulator can be downloaded free of charge, installed on any local computer or server and use without any limitation.

Antares-Simulator's user interface

RTE (French Electricity Transmission system Operator) has initially developed the tool for its own purposes and keeps on improving and enhancing its capabilities. Antares-Simulator is currently one of key tool of reference studies such as the French Generation Adequacy Report, published by RTE, or the ENTSO-E’s Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP). More generally, the tool has been proving very useful for assessing the economic performances, ecological impact and security of supply levels of power systems, as well as the contribution of its assets (generation units, interconnectors, storages, etc.) to these three axes.

The executable file of Antares-Simulator is provided free of charge. By subscribing to the User’s Club, one can also benefit from services such as software maintenance or trainings.