A new Antares version is out ! It brings out exciting new features for you to enjoy:
- Multiple timeseries can now be associated to link capacities (NTC), making it possible to simulate partial or total outages on links in the desired Monte Carlo years !
- The Infeasible Problem Analyzer. When running the study, if Antares runs into an infeasible problem, it will generate a report directing the user towards the most probable cause(s) for the infeasibility.
- Thermal Clusters now include an extra switch to specify on which clusters the timeseries generator needs to run.
- When a simulation is completed, you can now go straight to the results visualization through a new "view results" button.
Other small improvements include:
- Creation of a hydro-debug switch that allows the printing of some useful debug data in heuristic mode
- The new online documentation is now accessible through the Help menu.